imimobile enables remote working for contact centers amid pandemic

Public sector clients including local councils and NHS trusts have rapidly transitioned to remote working using imimobile’s products.


Global cloud communications software and solutions provider IMImobile PLC, today announced that its cloud contact center software has enabled remote working for its clients following the COVID-19 outbreak. Customers including Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council and Bouygues Energies & Services have recently transitioned their office-based contact centers to homeworking due to the lockdown measures introduced by the UK government.

IMImobile strengthened its contact center offering last year through the acquisition of UK-based contact center software provider, Rostrvm. The integrated omnichannel solution consolidates voice, messaging and social customer service channels into a unified agent console and simplifies contact center operations for businesses and public sector organizations. With the product and associated infrastructure hosted in the cloud and delivered as a service, contact centers have easily transitioned to working from home without any service interruption.

Joanne Osborne, Operational Team Leader at Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It has been fantastic that we have been able to transition all 50 of our agents to remote working in a really short space of time. As the mental health service provider for Hertfordshire, it is critical that the lines of communication stayed open without interruption, so we didn’t miss any calls from patients. This crisis has demonstrated that, with the right software, teams are now able to all work from home with ease and this will change the way in which we work in the future.”

Yvonne Steele, Team Manager of Income, Rent to buy & Leasehold Services at Dudley Council, commented: “We have seen an increase in the number of calls to the department due to COVID-19 with concerns about meeting rental payments from those who have lost their jobs or been put on furlough. IMImobile’s contact center software has enabled a seamless transition to remote working overnight and has removed the need for fixed, office-based agents. Before its implementation, the team had no idea how many calls were coming in or the peak times for those calls, now we have greater reporting and real-time monitoring capabilities and even the ability to automate outbound interactions via calls or messages to free up time for the team.”

The solution has been instrumental for clients such as Bouygues Energies & Services, who provide facilities management services for a number of large public sector organisations. Scott Hulse, Security Manager – National Operations Centre at Bouygues Energies & Services, said: “The agile nature of IMImobile’s software has enabled all of our agents to work from home without any issues. We believe that this crisis will accelerate business adoption of flexible working practices and digital communication solutions because not having the right software in place hampers ability for businesses to react at speed during an emergency situation.”

Commenting on the developments, Sudarshan Dharmapuri, EVP Products at IMImobile, added: “We’re pleased to witness our products enabling the levels of agility that organisations need to operate in today’s environment characterized by unprecedented disruptions. Our cloud contact center product allows customer interactions, automation flows, and businesses processes to be configured, as opposed to programd, enabling the flexibility to transform operations overnight.”

For further information please contact:

Charlotte Jewsbury, Marketing Director.
(408) 526-4000

About Webex CPaaS Solutions

Webex CPaaS Solutions (previously known as imimobile) provides cloud communications software and services that manage business-critical customer interactions at scale. 

Our enterprise-grade, cloud communications platform (CPaaS), Webex Connect delivers end-to-end customer journeys by orchestrating, automating, and monitoring interactions and integrating with existing, disparate back-end systems. This provides a choice of tools and capabilities for IT teams, developers and line of business teams to build seamless customer experiences

We also provide a set of SaaS applications designed specifically for business users who are looking for pre-packaged applications for use within their organization; these include Webex Campaign, Webex Engage, Webex Notify and Webex Assist.

To put it simply, we help businesses to lower costs, reduce complexity and accelerate IT roadmaps. We believe that customer experience is the key competitive advantage for consumer businesses. So, we’re creating a world where enterprises can stay constantly connected to their customers. A world where every touchpoint, on every channel, is an opportunity to deliver rich, engaging, intuitive experiences.