Case Study

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust.

Giving patients a choice with inclusive, digital-first appointment letters.

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5% DNA reduction and dramatic cost savings following Patient Engagement Portal implementation.

The Dudley Group were facing challenges including limited staff resources and a high DNA rate of 10%, (with 48% caused by paper-based letter processes). Their existing solution also did not meet the NHS accessibility standards, so a new supplier was necessary.

The trust also struggled with a huge 3500 letter templates which was very difficult to manage, so needed to homogenise the ones being used. Webex (formerly Healthcare Communications) was selected to collaborate with the Trust to rationalize and standardize letter templates for 148 departments, ahead of an impressive trust-wide rollout with the portal.

  1. Digital letters and attachments are now delivered directly to patient smartphones via SMS with a link to the portal.

  2. In the first 4 months, 7,329 wasted slots were avoided and DNAs reduced by 5%, equating to over £1M potential income gains.

“We’re already seeing improved engagement, as well as countless benefits relating to ease of use for staff, time saved and reduced DNAs.” - Neill Crump, Digital Strategy Director