Patient Experience Surveys.

Capture real-time feedback to experience care through your patient’s eyes.

Leading NHS partner for the Friends and Family Test.

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Patient first surveys.

Empower every patient to shape service improvement while eliminating bias with multi-channel survey options.

Extract diverse patient perspectives

Personalised surveys

Connect with patients fast and effortlessly via their channel of choice, while freeing staff from the burden of survey collection.

In the moment feedback

Instantly pinpoint areas for improvement with real-time responses and alerts, enabling staff to address critical issues without delay.

Engage every voice

Empower all patients to share their experience with multi-language options, child-friendly pictorial surveys, large print and NHSE compliant, inclusive designs.

  • Smart features

    Boost response rates with device-friendly designs and skip logic that personalizes the survey for each respondent.

  • Pinpoint key hotspots

    Zero in on critical areas with advanced PX surveys. Delve further into FFT feedback themes to drive real, impactful service improvements.

  • Build your own surveys

    Create custom surveys in minutes or use our expert templates with a variety of question styles to match your goals.

The Friends and Family Test.

Fully managed service - we take care of communications, you focus on patient care.


Friends and Family Test provider


NHS outpatient feedback


NHS Trust partners

Features built specifically to get the most out of FFT feedback.

‘You Said, We Did’ posters

Showcase patient feedback and improvements with automatically created print-ready posters.

Goosebump evoking feedback

Collect impactful patient voice recordings and virtual stories to bring powerful care experiences to life.

Automated UNIFY reporting

Download monthly figures and track action plans effortlessly.

Feedback publishing

Share patient comments across microsites, waiting room screens, and Trust websites to highlight staff dedication and promote transparency.

Real-time feedback, real-time impact.

Eliminate guesswork with automated reporting and AI-powered analytics.

Dynamic, customisable dashboard

Instant, tailored reports

On-the-go feedback

Powerful visuals

Get closer to patient groups

Say goodbye to manual comment reviews.

Sentiment analysis: unlock the feedback goldmine

Transform how you interpret free-text feedback with our powerful embedded sentiment analysis.

Effortlessly uncover emotions, attitudes, and hidden improvement ideas in seconds.

This smart tool automates the heavy lifting—collating, RAG-rating, and spotlighting key phrases, so your team can focus on what truly matters, enhancing patient care.

I love sentiment analysis! What I really like is that it doesn’t just categorize comments, but breaks them down even further by sentence – amazing! Frees up considerable time and allows me to do more with feedback! ”
Fliss Swift, Patient Experience Manager, Morecambe Bay University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust